
Monday, 23 March 2020

Selfish or Selfless Acts of Living

Philippians 2 : 1-18 New International Version (NIV)

Yesterday, I felt a surge of anger!

A young-adult on a crowded beach, during the world's COVID-19 pandemic, was asked what the impact her actions and the actions of those around her was having.  The young woman replied "I don't care ..." 

People are dying alone while many are carrying on as if what is happening has nothing to do with them.

The world is in crisis and many are choosing to simply turn a blind eye, out of their own selfish ambition.  Shame on them!

A few days ago I wept when I saw video footage from Northern Italy of medical teams inside a hospital trying to save the lives of the extremely ill and dying.   At the time 17 doctors had already died in Italy through selfless acts of compassion and kindness!

I wept again when I saw a photograph of an elderly woman in Australia standing alone holding her basket in a grocery aisle with empty shelves.  Where was the selfish person who saw this elderly women in need and never gave her anything out of their own basket!

The Bible teaches us to imitate Christ's humility; doing nothing out of our own selfish ambition ... to value others, look out for the interests of others more than ourselves.

I confess we all have a nasty streak of selfishness ambition and vanity running through our veins.

Yet, it is Christ who selflessly sacrificed His own life for us in order that we can truly be set free.  It's time to step up people and show kindness, compassion and humility; putting others before ourselves.

I encourage you to read Philippians Chapter 2 in search of answers to life's true meaning.



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