
Saturday 25 July 2020

Inspiration for Today

“The path to heaven lies through heaven, and all the way to heaven is heaven.” 
by Saint Catherine of Siena (1347-1380)

To see the world in a grain of sand
And heaven in a wild flower
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand
And eternity in an hour 
by William Blake 

Sunday 17 May 2020

Sunday 29 March 2020


Warm glow,
Morning light.

Watching from my window,

People pass by,

Spring snow melting.
Sunshine on my face.

Isolated. Alone. Together.

Wednesday 25 March 2020

Perseverance through suffering

Help is needed in every capacity, all over the world, as people ...
  • put their lives at risk to care for those sick and dying from COVID-19
  • look after those in hospitals, rest-homes and respite-care facilities where visitors are now not permitted
  • remain in isolation at home or in a quarantine centre
  • try to get medical help because they are feeling unwell
  • stay physically distant from one another
  • queue in-line or on-line at the grocery store for hours at a time
  • work to produce and deliver food to those in need
  • wait for an answer from a friend or loved one far away
  • adapt to children being at home and not in school
  • sit alone with no one to help in a time of need
Know that you are not alone in your suffering and there is hope.  God is our refuge, our rock and our strength in times of trouble. Psalm 71

By placing your faith in God you will find inner strength and peace and hope for the future.

Suffering produces perseverance, perseverance produces character and character produces hope.

Romans Chapter 5



Monday 23 March 2020

Selfish or Selfless Acts of Living

Philippians 2 : 1-18 New International Version (NIV)

Yesterday, I felt a surge of anger!

A young-adult on a crowded beach, during the world's COVID-19 pandemic, was asked what the impact her actions and the actions of those around her was having.  The young woman replied "I don't care ..." 

People are dying alone while many are carrying on as if what is happening has nothing to do with them.

The world is in crisis and many are choosing to simply turn a blind eye, out of their own selfish ambition.  Shame on them!

A few days ago I wept when I saw video footage from Northern Italy of medical teams inside a hospital trying to save the lives of the extremely ill and dying.   At the time 17 doctors had already died in Italy through selfless acts of compassion and kindness!

I wept again when I saw a photograph of an elderly woman in Australia standing alone holding her basket in a grocery aisle with empty shelves.  Where was the selfish person who saw this elderly women in need and never gave her anything out of their own basket!

The Bible teaches us to imitate Christ's humility; doing nothing out of our own selfish ambition ... to value others, look out for the interests of others more than ourselves.

I confess we all have a nasty streak of selfishness ambition and vanity running through our veins.

Yet, it is Christ who selflessly sacrificed His own life for us in order that we can truly be set free.  It's time to step up people and show kindness, compassion and humility; putting others before ourselves.

I encourage you to read Philippians Chapter 2 in search of answers to life's true meaning.



Thursday 19 March 2020

How are YOU doing today?

Perhaps, you're feeling alone in the world ... alone but together with my family in lock-down far from extended family (like so many).

Who do you turn to in times of need?  Many of us are trying to keep busy and distract ourselves when thoughts or feelings start to become overwhelming.

I'm getting through each day by focussing on my faith in God and I invite you to share in this journey with me.  I invite you to look up the Bible verses with me on

God shows us throughout all of history that we can trust Him.  People throughout the ages have gone through and are going through natural disasters, wars, plagues and famines.  God will continue to guide us on our journey, through our thoughts and actions, as we turn to Him for direction.

Proverbs 3:5-6 New International Version (NIV)

Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
    and he will make your paths straight.[a]

John 14:27 New International Version (NIV)

27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

We can trust God for today, tonight and tomorrow; and have nothing to fear at this time in our lives.  

God will give us His peace.  


Wednesday 18 March 2020

STAY HOME ... a message from the people of Italy during the COVID-19 pandemic!

Click HERE and scroll down to watch a video from the people of Italy

Italy is about 10 days ahead of us here in CANADA and we need to be ready to see and accept exponential transmission of the COVID-19 virus.

I urge you to STAY HOME NOW to help reduce the spiralling 'out of control' speed at which this virus travels once established in a region.  

Let our health care workers and front line staff give help to those who are sick.

Check in with your neighbours by phone or from a distance of 2 metres and ask if there is anything you can help get them (leave groceries or pharmacy supplies on the doorstep).

STAYING HOME will help slow the spread of the virus and SAVE LIVES!


Thursday 30 January 2020