
Wednesday 27 January 2010

Beating those winter blues

To help beat those winter blues 
(especially when the skies are cloudy and grey)
remember to eat well, sleep well, get some exercise and take Vitamin D 
(for both you and your baby)!

Check with your Doctor for the recommended dose

Winters can be long, and I am always so pleased when we reach the shortest day and evenings start to get a little brighter and the sun sets a little later than 4.30pm in the afternoon.

To keep your spirit's up during those bleak winter weeks try to get outdoors as often as you can, especially with a little one in tow.

Here are some great activities for you and your TOT in winter ...

  • Joey's favourite activity is a sled ride round down the street when it is snowing
  • Visit your local library (remember to take off your layers, as they are toasty warm places) and bring home a book and dvd
  • Sing and dance together ...  Click to order mainly music favourites for children
  • Take a trip to your local acquarium and discover the underwater world
  • Phone a friend for a play-date
  • Join a daycare (garderie) for half a day per month
  • Find a playgroup/community activity for you and your child (at least twice per month)

the view from our home office in winter

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