
Thursday, 29 April 2010

'thinking corner' for toddlers

J:  (running over and turning the television on)

Mummy:  "Joey, turn the television off, please." (signing the word 'off')

J: (pushes the button and the television is off)

Mummy:  "Thank you." (turning to walk to the kitchen)

J:  (click - the television is back on!)

Mummy:  "No, Jozef.  Turn the television off, please.  Thank you." (in a singing voice)

J:  (proceeds to turn the television off, then runs to the 'thinking corner', turns around and looks for Mummy)

Not being a fan of 'time out', nor sending children to their rooms - I am amazed that the 'thinking corner' has taken off at this young age (17.5 months).  It may be more of a game, at this time.  However, I hope that it will be a useful tool, for later on, as a place to go and 'reflect' on how we have acted, or to address any 'stinky thinking' a child may adopt and not know how to handle eg being grumpy, angry, sad or mean to others.


  1. Good day! I saw that you link to my blog! Thanks so much!

    It looks like we have a number of common interests. And you're son's name is spelled J-O-Z-E-F? Small world!!

    You are officially added to my favorites. =)

    Also, I like the idea of a "thinking corner" it is similar to Montessori's "peace table". I think it works really well, however it's amazing how quickly children forget about their misbehaviors. My oldest had a REALLY rough morning the other day and when Dad came home (hours later) to discuss, my son really couldn't even remember what he'd done--and he's 7! They live so moment-to-moment.

  2. Hi Jen - Lovely to hear from you, and thank you for adding me to your favourites. You were the FIRST to comment on my blog (I was SO excited!). I enjoy following along with your blog too, and admire you raising and homeschooling your boys! Well done! Look forward to sharing more family news in the future.

    PS sorry for the delay in replying to your comment, but for some reason my blog was not allowing me to publish/reply to your comment (the joys of the hi-tech age).
