J: (running over and turning the television on)
Mummy: "Joey, turn the television off, please." (signing the word 'off')
J: (pushes the button and the television is off)
Mummy: "Thank you." (turning to walk to the kitchen)
J: (click - the television is back on!)
Mummy: "No, Jozef. Turn the television off, please. Thank you." (in a singing voice)
J: (proceeds to turn the television off, then runs to the 'thinking corner', turns around and looks for Mummy)
Not being a fan of 'time out', nor sending children to their rooms - I am amazed that the 'thinking corner' has taken off at this young age (17.5 months). It may be more of a game, at this time. However, I hope that it will be a useful tool, for later on, as a place to go and 'reflect' on how we have acted, or to address any 'stinky thinking' a child may adopt and not know how to handle eg being grumpy, angry, sad or mean to others.