
Wednesday 11 November 2009

A Quick Take from home ...

Last week Joey began crawling forward and he took a few steps behind his smiley faced push-along walker (all in the same week).

Let toddlers learn to walk barefoot ... it makes a huge difference as they learn to grip their toes to the floor to gain their balance (without the restriction of shoes and socks).

The Spirit of Christmas - begin by talking with your family now about the true meaning of giving.  Let them each choose to give to or do something special for just one family member each.

Choose carefully what or who you will be committed to, rather than being burdened by overcommitment.  Learn to say No.

When the sun shines ... go outside (especially in the North, where the winters are harsh!)

Give five hugs a day!

Celebrate the gift of life - this Saturday Joey turns ONE!

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