
Tuesday, 13 October 2009

My top TEN things to be thankful for ...

10.  Harvest-time
A little or a lot, then autumn is a great time to be thankful for the bounty of goods our gardens produce (whether we grow our own or buy produce from a local Farmers' market).  This year we harvested at least 40 lbs of tomatoes, several feeds of green beans, and a large sack of potatoes (enough to keep our family of three going throughout the winter).

9.  Places to play and times to Celebrate
Yesterday, my husband, son and I celebrated Canada's Thanksgiving Day with a 4 kilogram organic grain feed chicken; wonderfully creamy mashed potato, roasted pumpkin, sweet juicy peas and a delicious gravy.  Dessert was a fresh peach walnut crusted pie with a crumble topping served with Balkan yoghurt.

We invited an old friend to join us.  My husband, and friend took our son to the local park for a swing, which our son loves.  While the men were away I went outside for an hour to tidy up my garden, and add a further six tulip bulbs to my tulip patch.

Vegetables for our Thanksgiving Dinner had be prepped the day before - the dessert made 2 days ahead of time, so all I had to do was cook the chicken (which took almost 4 hours).  In the morning I had cooked the potatoes, mashed and creamed them, put them into a baking dish ready for heating at dinner time.  That left the peas and gravy to make.  I had also carved the chicken ahead of time (and this morning put the leftovers in the freezer as there was plenty to go around at dinner time).

8.   Electricity
With the onset of winter I am grateful the city provide electricity that keeps our house warm.  Without heating we would not survive in this landscape.

7.  A roof over our heads
We have a wonderfully steeped Normandy roof, that allows the snow to slide right off during winter, so there is no need for us to worry about banks of snow building up there!

6.  Transport
The bus stops right outside our door, and I have a car to go grocery shopping, visit friends and take my son to activities with other children.

5.  Friends
Who keep in contact, offer encouragement and do practical things to help each other in life.

4.  Family connections
We enjoy keeping in touch with family overseas (as far away as New Zealand) via SKYPE.  My son loves talking with his Grandma and Grandad and seeing them on video.

3.  My 11 month old son
He is growing fast and is a joy and a delight.

2.  My husband
Who works so hard to keep the bills paid, keep a roof over our heads, and accomplishes extra things like publishing a book, travelling and giving public talks.

1.  My Relationship with Jesus
One who cares about my life, understands everything I encounter in life and offers HOPE!

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