
Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Getting Baby started on solids 6 months+

As a family, we always enjoy eating breakfast together. Our son seemed ready to sit at the table, in his highchair, with my husband and I, at around 5 months of age.

When he was much younger we lay him in his stroller next to us, so he could see what was happening, and be able to interact with us.

At 5 1/2 months of age I noticed our son moving his mouth up and down, while sitting in his highchair (as if he was mimicking my husband and I eating), and he began to reach out to grab a banana, when he saw it, so I began making baby purees for him to try.

Here are some tips and ideas for getting your little one started on solid foods.

Firstly, it is wise to remember that 'breastmilk or formula is the best source of food' for your young baby.

Your baby needs a good source of daily milk supply, with all its vitamins and minerals, up until, at least, the age of 2 years and beyond. Cow's milk (3.25%) can be introduced to an older infant from the age of 9 months+, but it may be better to wait a little longer until they are aound 12 months of age.

When introducing solids, start around 6 months+ of age. We started a little earlier as our son was almost 10 pounds at birth and he seemed ready. Continue to offer the breastmilk or formula first, before offering any solid food. I usually wait 15 to 20 minutes after giving our son milk before I offer him cereal, fruits or vegetables.

Be sure your baby can sit well, and hold their head up on their own before introducing solid foods. This is to avoid any type of choking hazard. Look for signs that your baby might be interested in beginning solids eg reaching or grabbing for food while you are eating.

Start with a Cereal
I started my little one on 1 Tblspn of rice cereal for breakfast and dinner. His milk feeds remained at 3 to 4 hourly during the day, with his first feed at 5.00am and his last feed around 5.00pm (half an hour or so before bed).

Then Introduce a Vegetable
After 3 days of cereal only, I then introduced 1 Tblspn of vegetable puree (squash) in place of the rice cereal at dinner time.

Gradually he began eating more cereal and vegetable puree at mealtimes. It wasn't long before I added a fruit puree to the breakfast and dinner menu.

Offer Water at mealtimes
Remember to always offer cooled, boiled water to your baby at mealtimes, along with cereal and purees.

I began offering water to my son in the little cup off the lid of his baby bottle. He is gradually learning to hold that cup in both hands, and drink himself. He drinks when he his thirsty, and I don't worry too much if he turns his head away or pushes the cup away.

At 6 months of age my son was enjoying cereal for breakfast, and squash, carrots, beans or zuchinni for dinner. He had also started to enjoy finely mashed banana, apple puree and prune puree.

Remember to introduce your little one to only one new item of cereal, fruit or vegetable at a time for a period of up to three days. This is to help identify any potential allergies or reactions to the food. It wasn't long before my son was eating one serve of fruit, vegetable and cereal all in the same day!

My son quickly gained an appetite and I gradually increased the quantity of serves to 3 Tblspns of cereal, fruit and vegetable over the course of 3 to 4 weeks.

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