
Thursday 28 March 2019

Proud to be a Kiwi

God Defend New Zealand 
(New Zealand's National Anthem)

God of Nations at Thy feet,
In the bonds of love we meet,
Hear our voices, we entreat,
God defend our free land.
Guard Pacific's triple star
From the shafts of strife and war,
Make her praises heard afar,
God defend New Zealand.

Men of every creed and race,
Gather here before Thy face,
Asking Thee to bless this place,
God defend our free land.
From dissension, envy, hate,
And corruption guard our state,
Make our country good and great,
God defend New Zealand.

Peace, not war, shall be our boast,
But, should foes assail our coast,
Make us then a mighty host,
God defend our free land.
Lord of battles in Thy might,
Put our enemies to flight,
Let our cause be just and right,
God defend New Zealand.

Let our love for Thee increase,
May Thy blessings never cease,
Give us plenty, give us peace,
God defend our free land.
From dishonour and from shame,
Guard our country's spotless name,
Crown her with immortal fame,
God defend New Zealand.

May our mountains ever be
Freedom's ramparts on the sea,
Make us faithful unto Thee,
God defend our free land.
Guide her in the nations' van,
Preaching love and truth to man,
Working out Thy glorious plan,
God defend New Zealand.

Monday 25 March 2019

First Week of Spring and St. Patrick's Parade

celebrating part of the city's heritage with a St. Patrick's Parade ...

78th Fraser's Highlanders a regiment who founded the first Scottish church in Canada

Philadelphia Police band
waiting for our bus home from parade 
arriving home
hard to believe that it's spring!

Saturday 16 March 2019

Remembering the people of Christchurch and New Zealand

I woke yesterday morning to news of the deaths of 49 people at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, and I am still trying to process what has happened.

My thoughts and prayers are with the people of Christchurch who have lost family members and friends.

The people of Christchurch are resilient, having already suffered much during two major earthquakes and the loss of 185 lives in their community in 2011.

With the support of New Zealanders, and the world, the people of Christchurch will carry on, turning their backs on such an evil act of violence this week.

Are you struggling to know what to say to young family members.  Here is a useful link from New Zealand on how to talk to children about trauma in the world

To the people of Christchurch and New Zealand, I remember you.