
Sunday, 15 January 2017

Wanted: Ideas for small bathroom renovation

the counter top, light fittings, toilet, sink and faucet, plus bath/shower fittings all need replacing!

 I would like to re-stain the cabinets, change the sink and hard-ware, add a new counter, frame the mirror and paint, plus add a new blind, but what about the tiles?

Should I paint the bathroom floor tiles?

 I like a little colour mixed with neutrals (autumn palette).
our bathroom is approximately 8' x 10' and behind the door is a linen-storage cupboard (to the left)
there's a shower over the bath (but not enough space for hanging more than two towels behind the door)

We live in a country cottage style-bungalow that has a French-Normandy pitched roof
(with lots of charm)

If you are able to help, I would love more ideas and inspiration!

Thursday, 5 January 2017

The power of human kindness

 This week it snowed a lot!

after the storm ...

I spent three hours shoveling from our house to the temporary garage and part way along a path to our back deck

Thursday morning ... still have work to do on that deck and the hedge!
Today I faced the daunting task of clearing a path across our deck to connect with the path that I shoveled yesterday.  Then I needed to start clearing the driveway which by now is covered in snow that is 2.5 feet high and 6 feet wide (after the city snow plough passed by during the night).

Yesterday I also cleared a walking path to the road in case of emergencies.  This path took me almost an hour to clear.  However, our car was still completely blocked in, so this morning I started work on opening up the walking path to the road again. After that I needed to tackle the hedge!

Here is where the power of human kindness begins -  a residential tractor/snow plough driver saw me - stopped in his tracks, spun his tractor around and signaled to me that he would do the work.

After 5 minutes our driveway was clear and the snow blown onto our section.  As the driver moved on to plough the driveway of my neighbhour I gave a big wave and felt a load literally lifted from my shoulders. 
 Thank you Deneigement Universel