
Tuesday 19 December 2017

Cranberry Orange Loaf

This is my go to Christmas gift for giving ... I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

Cranberry Orange Loaf

1 cup fresh (or frozen) cranberries
Zest of 1 orange
1/4 cup brown sugar
2 cups all purpose flour (slightly less)
1/2 cup sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon or a pinch of salt
1/2 cup canola oil (or melted butter)
1/2 cup orange juice (1 large freshly squeezed orange)
2 large eggs (gently beaten)


Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius.

In a medium bowl mix together chopped cranberries, orange zest and 1/4 cup brown sugar. Set aside to infuse flavours (15 minutes).

In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the flour, 1/2 cup sugar, baking powder and salt.

Mix together the oil (or melted butter), orange juice and lightly beaten eggs.

Slowly fold in the oil (or melted butter) orange juice and eggs into the flour mixture.
Mix together, and then gently fold in cranberry/orange zest/brown sugar mixture.

Pour into prepared 1 large loaf pan or 2 small loaf pans.

Bake 30 - 35 minutes (small) or 45 - 50 min. (large) until lightly browned and skewer inserted in center comes out clean.

This recipes freezes well, and can be halved to make one small loaf.

Wednesday 13 December 2017

Piano Concert

This year the second group of students from the piano school of madame Geneviève Boileau held their Christmas concert at the Bibliothèque Monique-Corriveau.  The room was filled with excited students, family and friends. 

Monday 20 November 2017

Solider for a Day

Celebrating another year with a party at Martello tower 2 and the Plains of Abraham Museum

Monday 13 November 2017

Trick or Treat

oops...this is what happened to the last person who asked for candy at this house ...
(J and J at a friend's house)

Thursday 21 September 2017

Summer by the St Lawrence

A glimpse of Quebec City

captures some wonderful footage featuring 

Chez Boulay
Bistro Boréal on 1110 rue Saint-Jean,
with a lunch counter nearby serving foods produced in Quebec

Comptoir Boulay
42 Côte du Palais, Ville de Québec, QC G1R 4H8

plus adventure tourism
in the Canyon with 

Wednesday 24 May 2017

Snow geese stopover

Last week a gaggle of snow geese stopped by for several days before flying north.

Wednesday 17 May 2017

Why it's important for kids to be able 'do as they are told'

Here are 10 great reasons why we want our kids to do as they are told, because it helps them navigate life; become self resilient, able to handle their emotions, be liked, spend more energy on things they enjoy, not sabotage their learning, and understand what co-operation is, and be safe in their own actions.  

To read the article, go to: 

Friday 10 March 2017

Down by the river

It's almost the end of winter as the ice starts to melt, the river flows more freely
and creatures come out of hibernation (see the ducks on the river)

Thursday 2 March 2017

Remembering a friend

One year ago I lost a dear friend to cancer, and since then I continue to remember Renée's kindness.  Over the years we enjoyed many outings, afternoon teas, lunches, dinners, birthdays together with her husband and friends.  Renée had a gift of welcoming others into her life as though they were family. Renée, I miss you and the joy that you brought into my life!

Sunday 15 January 2017

Wanted: Ideas for small bathroom renovation

the counter top, light fittings, toilet, sink and faucet, plus bath/shower fittings all need replacing!

 I would like to re-stain the cabinets, change the sink and hard-ware, add a new counter, frame the mirror and paint, plus add a new blind, but what about the tiles?

Should I paint the bathroom floor tiles?

 I like a little colour mixed with neutrals (autumn palette).
our bathroom is approximately 8' x 10' and behind the door is a linen-storage cupboard (to the left)
there's a shower over the bath (but not enough space for hanging more than two towels behind the door)

We live in a country cottage style-bungalow that has a French-Normandy pitched roof
(with lots of charm)

If you are able to help, I would love more ideas and inspiration!

Thursday 5 January 2017

The power of human kindness

 This week it snowed a lot!

after the storm ...

I spent three hours shoveling from our house to the temporary garage and part way along a path to our back deck

Thursday morning ... still have work to do on that deck and the hedge!
Today I faced the daunting task of clearing a path across our deck to connect with the path that I shoveled yesterday.  Then I needed to start clearing the driveway which by now is covered in snow that is 2.5 feet high and 6 feet wide (after the city snow plough passed by during the night).

Yesterday I also cleared a walking path to the road in case of emergencies.  This path took me almost an hour to clear.  However, our car was still completely blocked in, so this morning I started work on opening up the walking path to the road again. After that I needed to tackle the hedge!

Here is where the power of human kindness begins -  a residential tractor/snow plough driver saw me - stopped in his tracks, spun his tractor around and signaled to me that he would do the work.

After 5 minutes our driveway was clear and the snow blown onto our section.  As the driver moved on to plough the driveway of my neighbhour I gave a big wave and felt a load literally lifted from my shoulders. 
 Thank you Deneigement Universel