
Thursday, 29 December 2016

Snowshoeing over the Christmas break

snowshoeing on our local golf course Christmas Day

snowshoeing at Foret Montmorency after Christmas

snowshoeing 1 km along the river (right) up to a bridge
arriving at the "refuge station" we lit a fire and shoveled snow before the volunteer attendant arrived
on our way back to the main accommodation (a 4km round trip)

Thursday, 22 December 2016

Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Piano Concert Le studio France Dupuis, 11 December 2016

Jozef playing 'The First Noel'

Jozef was one of several invited guest pianists 
who played at the Winter concert of the students from 
The Studio of France Dupuis
(Tel) 418 977 7372
Festivals like these are a great opportunity to encourage budding musicians!  Next week Jozef will play at the concern of his own teacher, madame Geneviève Boileau

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

This week's snow ...November 2016

Winter is on the way, with plenty of time to build a snow fort at school on Tuesday!
Wednesday morning ...

Saturday morning ... Winter is here!

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Boys and Birthday fun at '8'

 Last weekend's party was wild; perhaps it was the super moon, 
or simply that boys at 8 have huge amounts of energy and big appetites.  We spent most of the afternoon outside playing hide and seek, snake tag and "banane"... other games included
ankle balloon stomp, penny-stick relay and lots of Star Wars laser sword moves.

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Trick or Treat

the Star Wars costume was a great find at our local friperie for only $3!
going door to door

gotta lot of loot which is rationed and some given away

Saturday, 29 October 2016

Halloween Piano Recital

Today's recital piece 'Skeleton for Tea' is an accomplishment following 12 weeks of piano lessons.  Stayed tuned ... we're looking forward to a Christmas recital in December!

Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Autumn colours

The riverside is a magical place of calm and light as autumn appears. 

Squeals of delight were heard from a small group of children, on our walk to school, as they stopped to watch the wind blow leaves off the tree in front of our house
 and swirl them to the ground.

Monday, 26 September 2016

Tribute to Grandpop

A former marine and engineer
Grandpop recently passed away peacefully, 
in his sleep, at 78 years of age.
He stayed with us on three occasions,
loved sitting at the kitchen table and talking.
Grandpop had a sharp mind;
and though he was not so steady on his feet, 
Grandpop could fix anything from nothing with his hands.
Rest In Peace Grandpop!

Friday, 10 June 2016

Sunday, 13 March 2016

Spring is in the air

early Spring morning riverside walk
"Signs of Spring"
The snow is becoming slushly and grey,
The river is starting to thaw and flow closer to the shore.
The sunshine feels stronger and warmer when it touches your face. 
Spring's greatest delight is when the crocus and tulips 
sprout through the snow and the robins return to our garden.

the frozen river way is almost thawed out!