
Wednesday, 24 June 2015

School's Out

School's out now for a 9 week break.  We'll be meeting friends at our local park for soccer and tennis, reading at our local library, fishing and spending a week at the Fit and Fun English Summer Day Camp which includes a day trip to Circus Training School here in Quebec City.

Yesterday I worked for 4 hours at my son's school as a parent volunteer, monitoring individual classes on the Pirate Ship Bouncy castle.  The last day of school is filled with a course of seven different activities for all ages.  It was exhausting work, but also a good opportunity to practice my french by repeatedly using the same phrases.

J going down the fire pole as the school bell rings!

Line up for start of school ... the bell has just rung

end of school year elebration!

Saturday, 13 June 2015

New Clothing Store for Children, Cap-Rouge, Quebec City

Boutique pour maman et tout-petits.

Friperie haut de gamme 0-10 ans.

Accessoires créés par des artisans québécois. 

Au 4184 côte de Cap-Rouge Quebec-City

My son and I visited the store this week and were delighted to purchase a pair of summer sandals size 12-13 for $12.00 (second hand and in good condition).  Commission to the seller is around 30%, and there's a reward system for the purchaser. 

I suggest phoning ahead to check if they have items in the size of clothing or shoes you're looking for.