
Thursday 26 January 2012

Preschooler Favourites

At 3 years of age, life is all about trains, airplanes, helicopters, buses, and more recently, dinosaurs, hockey and building towers.

A dinner time prayer from the lips of a 3 year old ...

"Thank you Lord for downstairs" (where he plays wrestling and football with Papa on the mat) "Thank you for set down, hut, hut" (football) - "Thank you for water, thank you for dinner, thank you for blue (??), thank you for the library, thank you for skating .... Amen"

First day at Pre-School

off out the door, to catch the #14 bus (with Mama) to go to Pre-School
After only 3 morning sessions at Pre-School Master J's French phrases have started flowing at home ... his teachers tell us he is a "gentle" boy, who loves talking and interacting during 'mat time' (not sure in which language).  He's still a little hesitant about going to school, so the bus ride adds excitement and extra incentive!

Tuesday 3 January 2012

Conversation with a Preschooler

J :  "Mama ... What d'ya want?"

Mama:  "Nothing.  I'm fine thanks.  What do you want?"

J:  "Mmm ... I like ... I want ... a Yes Snack?"

Mama:  "You want a Yes Snack?  What's a Yes Snack?  Do you want a piece of cheese, crackers, a cookie, or an apple ...?"

J:  "Mmm ... No apple. I like a Yes Snack"

Happy New Year everyone!