It is said "For where your treasure is there your heart will be also."
Have you ever thought about the use of your earthly treasures?
How many people do you know who are giving generously, not coveting wealth or possessions? Or, are you observing more and more people living for themselves - desiring greater wealth, often spending more than they earn, and living life on credit in the pursuit of personal happiness.
Here is a story of a rich man whose land yielded more crops than he had room for in his barns. The rich man thought to himself, "What shall I do? I have no more room to store my crops - I know, I will tear down ALL my barns and build bigger. Then I will say to my soul - EAT, DRINK and BE MERRY - for you have stored up well for many years."
Isn't this like the people in life who are always building BIGGER, BETTER, GREATER material wealth and possessions, careers, homes, land, income and even debt.
Life is a gift - and there is not one of us who knows how long we will walk on this earth. Who will inherit the treasures of your heart, and all the things for which you have provided?
Can a person who lays up treasure only for themselves be rich toward God?
Life's Application: Decide to act this week and give generously to others from what you have earned. View money differently than you ever have before - there are many who have lost their entire life savings due to the mismanagement or misappropriation of funds by financial institutions all over the world - choose to act and remember it is a wise person who builds for themselves riches in heaven (that will not be able to be destroyed). Read and meditate on the Word of God, The Bible.
Life is more than food and the body is more than clothing. The Bible teaches us that if we seek after a relationship with our Heavenly Father then ALL these things will be added to us - we need not be anxious about clothes, food and material things that can so easily be destroyed.
Who have you given the treasure of your heart to?