There are three things we know of for certain in life - there is birth, death and salvation - a time in our lives when we choose to put our faith, hope and trust in a loving God who promises the gift of eternal life!
"Faith" is the substance of things hoped for; the evidence of things not seen. We may not fully understand who God is, and we may never hear His voice or see His face, but all around us there is evidence of a Creator God.
My husband and I recently celebrated the birth of our very first child - when a new baby is born there comes a time for celebrating the miracle of life as we gaze in amazement at how our little bundle of joy (and sleepless nights) made it into the world! Our new baby is so totally dependent on our love and nuture - to feed him all through the night, clothe him, keep him warm in winter, and love him unconditionally.
Have you heard the story of Christmas - of how Jesus came into the world, as a new born baby, more than 2000 years ago. His conception was miraculous and the announcement of His birth fulfilled in all the prophecies of the Old Testament. God chose for His Son, Jesus, to enter the world so that you and I could be certain of knowing our Heavenly Father who loves us unconditionally.
Are you certain of your own salvation? Who are you putting your faith and hope in and can you be sure the gift you will receive will be the gift of eternal life?
Life's Application: Read the story of the birth of Jesus (which can be found in the New Testament of The Bible, in the book of Luke, Chapter 2). Go to http://www.biblegateway.com