Autumn in Quebec has arrived, beginning with the most vibrant of colour changes. Suburbs densely populated with leafy green trees are turning a brilliant yellow, orange and red. Very soon our lawns will be adrift with crunching sounds beneath our feet, and the streets will be dotted with bright orange garden bags full of leaves waiting to be picked up for composting.
To combat the coming winter chills households will begin putting up their autumn or halloween decorations and entrances to homes will display bright orange pumpkins alongside a welcome mat.
Have you every thought about change? ... day changes to night, autumn turns to winter, human knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, likes, dislikes, politicians, musicians, fashions, weather patterns and even our clocks change from time to time. Change is constant.
Do you know there is someone in your life whose love for you never changes?
You may have already experienced that it is probably not your spouse, friend, or family member whose love for you stays the same. Our feelings for one another change. Our love for one another requires an ongoing choosing of the will and a commitment to love. It is God - whose love for you and me is constant and without conditions. God knew us before we were even born, and He promises never to leave us.
Life's Application: Choose today to show your love and forgiveness toward someone who may have hurt you in the past. It will require that you be the first one to change your situation and take some action. Choose to offer words of love and encouragement. Where the pain of the hurt is too great or seeing the person again is not possible, then choose to love and forgive from within your heart. It is in loving and forgiving one another that we find freedom and the world around us begins to see change.